Incident Reporting and Escalation
Category: Emergency Management
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Last Revised: 08/03/2021
Operating Standard:

In addition to unit-level internal documentation (outlined in EM1: Incident Response Guidance), any incidents designated as "High Risk" must be reported to the relevant authority, which in some cases includes engaging an external agency or law enforcement.

A High Risk Incident originates from a hazard or unsafe condition in the program or the environment. The incident poses a serious risk to an individual or group. This may also include a “near miss,” (i.e., a hazard that if not addressed could cause harm in the future).

Refer to Table 1 for reporting and escalation protocol.


Examples of High Risk Incidents

  • An instance or allegation of child abuse, including physical, emotional or sexual abuse, sexual misconduct or exploitation against any minor by a current employee, volunteer or another youth participant, or knowledge of any such instance by a former employee, volunteer or participant.
  • A threat of serious harm to self or others, and anything with potential to escalate and require intervention by emergency services or law enforcement (e.g., missing child, dangerous person).
    • Report to: 9-1-1 if emergency or local law enforcement; escalate to Dean/Vice Provost and submit Public Incident Report.
  • Injuries, illness or damage resulting from unsafe conditions or hazards in the program environment, including those that are the result of employee or volunteer action or inaction.
    • Report to: 9-1-1 if emergency or local medical response; escalate to Dean/Vice Provost and submit Public Incident Report.
  • Actions affecting participation in or access to programs or services, such as termination or withdrawal of any youth participant(s), employees or volunteers, that may raise reasonable concerns of discrimination, harassment, bullying or retaliation.


Examples of Moderate Risk Incidents

  • A ‘near miss,’ or incident in which no property was damaged and no one was injured, but where given a slight shift in time or position, damage or personal injury easily could have occurred.


Evidence or Documentation:


Applies to:
  • University-operated youth programs, where OSU is offering the event or activity with minors.
  • University-hosted youth programs, where OSU hosts third-party events or activities with minors.


Related Information:


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