Hosting External Youth Organizations

Hosting External Youth Organizations
Category: Operations
Download Link: OP5.pdf (175.96 KB)
Last Revised: Nov. 5, 2024
Operating Standard:

A contract, facility use agreement, or Sponsored Campus Visit Agreement is required whenever a sponsoring unit hosts an event or activity involving minors who are part of an external organization or non-university youth program. This includes K-12 school groups, youth-serving nonprofits, or other non-university entities visiting one of OSU’s campuses or other university-owned or controlled properties as part of a sponsored youth activity or authorized campus visit. 

Such agreements must include, at minimum, language to address compliance with incident reporting and responsibility for background screening, selection, supervision, and conduct of all chaperones, agents, employees, and volunteers under the external organization’s control.

A university employee is responsible for registering youth activities in the OSU Youth Program Registry at least 30 days in advance and should upload copies of any agreements or certificates of insurance (COI) prior to the start date of the activity or campus visit.


Evidence or Documentation:
  • Copy of contract, facility use agreement, or Sponsored Campus Visit Agreement
  • Copy of Certificate of Insurance (COI), if applicable based on terms of the agreement


Applies to:
  • University units hosting external youth organizations


Related Information and Forms:



Has the contract or agreement received approval from authorized representatives in the sponsoring unit and signature by a University Contract Officer before the youth program commences?

       YES        NO

Does the contract include language to address compliance with incident reporting protocols?

       YES        NO

Does the contract include language to address responsibility for background screening and selection of all chaperones, agents, employees, and volunteers under the organization’s control?

       YES        NO

Does the contract include language to address responsibility for supervision and conduct?

       YES        NO


Frequently Asked Questions:


1. What is considered "university-owned or controlled" property?

A university owned or controlled property is any facility or property that is owned or managed by OSU. Examples include OSU Corvallis, OSU-Cascades, Hatfield Marine Science Center, County Extension locations, Research Stations, and leased properties.


2. Is a contract required for off-campus youth programs?

Possibly, depending on the circumstances and OSU’s role. Under the university’s Protection of Minors Policy, activities involving minors would only be considered “hosted youth programs” if they take place on university-owned or controlled property. For questions about other types of agreements or OSU contract requirements, including contracted services at K-12 schools or other non-university locations, contact Contract Services at [email protected].   


3. Where can I find sample forms and contract templates?

Visit the OSU Contract Services website at


4. What are the steps to developing a new contract or facility use agreement?

Visit the Work Flow section of the OSU Contract Services website at


5. Where can I find additional information about university insurance requirements?

Visit the OSU Insurance and Risk Services website for guidance on “When Oregon State University Requires a Certificate of Insurance” at


6. Who has authority to develop or sign contracts on behalf of the university?

See Section 5.2 of University Policy: 03-001 Contract Signature Authority:


Reference Number